Product Title NEW

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Product Title NEW

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Product Title NEW

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aiT WCET Analyzer

Statically analyze a task's intrinsic cache and pipeline behavior . . .

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Astreè™ TOP

Statically analyzes whether the programming language is used correctly . . .

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Formally verified optimizing C compiler . . .

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Qualification Support

Let you simplify and automate the qualification process considerably . . .

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StackAnalyzer NEW

Automatically determines the worst-case stack usage of the tasks . . .

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Helps you identify application parts that cause worst execution time . . .

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Estimates the worst-case execution time (WCET) of tasks . . .

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Active-HDL TOP

Windows® based, integrated FPGA design creation and simulation solution . . .

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Design verification solution for RTL code written in VHDL, Verilog, and SystemVerilog . . .

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Fully customized hardware and software platform that augments target board testing . . .

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Feature-rich family of SoC/ASIC pre-silicon physical prototyping and hardware embedded . . .

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Fully automated and scalable hybrid verification environment for SoC and ASIC design . . .

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W/SW cosimulation interface between RivieraPRO™ and
QEMU . . .

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Addresses verification needs of engineers crafting tomorrow's cutting-edge FPGA . . .

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Reprogrammable prototyping solution for Microchip RTAX-S/S and RTSX-SU space-flight . . .

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Unified requirements lifecycle management solution designed for FPGA and ASICs . . .

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Xilinx and Microcip family of embedded system prototyping boards FPGAs based . . .

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DSP Designer

To be compiled. . . .

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ICAP/4 Professional

To be compiled. . . .

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ICAP/4 RF Deluxe

To be compiled. . . .

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To be compiled. . . .

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ICAP/4 Rx Power Deluxe

To be compiled. . . .

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ICAP/4 Windows

To be compiled. . . .

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ICAP/4 Windows Power Deluxe

To be compiled. . . .

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ICAP/4 Windows Power/RF Deluxe

To be compiled. . . .

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ICAP/4 Windows RF Deluxe

To be compiled. . . .

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Power Supply Designer

To be compiled. . . .

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Test DesignerTM

To be compiled. . . .

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To be compiled. . . .

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To be compiled. . . .

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Product Overview

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LDRA Tool Suite

Flagship platform that delivers open and extensible solutions . . .

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Cost-effective, stand-alone code coverage tool . . .

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Cost-effective, stand-alone rules checker . . .

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Cost-effective, stand-alone unit and integration testing tool . . .

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LDRAvault provides a web-interface that automatically aggregates reports . . .

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Generic term to describe a process designed to ensure that the risk . . .

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QNX Black Channel Communications

To be compiled. . . .

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QNX Hypervisor

To be compiled. . . .

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QNX Hypervisor for Safety

To be compiled. . . .

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QNX OS for Safety

To be compiled. . . .

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QNX Software Dev Platform 7.1

To be compiled. . . .

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QNX Software
Dev Platform 8.0 NEW

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Safety Certifications

To be compiled. . . .

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