aiT WCET Analyzer

aiT WCET Analyzers statically compute tight bounds for the worst-case execution time (WCET) of tasks in real-time systems. They directly analyze binary executables and take the intrinsic cache and pipeline behavior into account.

The industry standard for static timing analysis

aiT WCET Analyzers statically compute tight bounds for the worst-case execution time (WCET) of tasks in real-time systems. They directly analyze binary executables and take the intrinsic cache and pipeline behavior into account.

The challenge

In real-time systems, timely task completion is of the essence. Each real-time task has to be completed within a specified time frame in order to ensure that the system works correctly. In other words, it is essential that the WCET of each task is known.

However, computing the WCET is a challenge:

  • Testing by repeatedly measuring the execution time of a task is tedious and typ­i­cally not safe. It is often impossible to prove that the conditions determining maximum exe­cu­tion time have been taken into account.
  • Modern processor components such as caches and pipelines complicate the task of de­ter­mining the WCET considerably, since the execution time of a single instruction may depend on the execution history.
  • Analysis methods that do not consider cache and pipeline behavior typically over­estimate the WCET by orders of magnitude, leading to a substantial waste of hardware re­sources.
The solution
aiT WCET Analyzers provide the solution to these problems: they statically analyze a task’s in­trinsic cache and pipeline behavior based on formal cache and pipeline mod­els. This enables correct and tight upper bounds to be computed for the worst-case execution time.
The analyzers are based on the technique of abstract interpretation. A graphical user interface supports the visualization of the worst-case program path and the interactive inspection of all pipeline and cache states at arbitrary program points.

aiT Features:

  • Visualization of the analysis results providing detailed information about key timing aspects, e.g. the worst-case path or the machine state at any given program point.
  • Various statistics, interactive tables, graphs and charts that let you quickly identify bottlenecks and other areas of interest.
  • Analysis report files for documentation and certification purposes, as well as for integration with numerous software development tools.
  • Qualification Support Kits are available providing support for automatic tool qualification up to the highest criticality levels (DO-178B, DO-178C, ISO26262, IEC 61508, EN 50128).
  • Interprocedural analysis enables cache and pipeline behavior to be precisely predicted.
  • The analyzer can be run in batch mode, enabling seamless continuous verification.
  • Flexible annotation mechanism. Developers can provide programmer-specific knowledge to aiT to further improve the analysis precision.
  • aiT can be coupled with model-based code generators and system-level scheduling tools via an open XMLbased interface to provide timing information in the development phase.
  • Graphical comparison of different analysis runs. Developers can quickly understand the effect of program modifications on worst-case timing.

aiT WCET Analyzer Product Demo [15min]