Qualification Support

Qualification Support Kits

Absint provides Qualification Support Kits (QSKs) that let you simplify and automate the qual­ification pro­cess considerably. Notably in the auto­motive and avionics industries, the QSKs are quite popular with our customers. The Qualification Support Kits have been designed to facilitate the tool qualification of aiT, Astrée, StackAnalyzer, and TimeWeaver for certification activities of safety-critical systems. The QSKs aim at demonstrating the correct functioning of the tool in the operational context of the tool user with respect to the relevant tool-influencing parameters like options, code constructs, provided external information for the analyzers, etc

Each QSK consists of the following parts:

  • specification of the tool functional requirements
  • test cases and test procedures
  • requirements trace data (traceability matrix)
  • test suite and execution framework
  • tool lifecycle data
  • Tool functional requirements (TOR)
The QSKs enable the qualification of aiT, Astrée, StackAnalyzer and TimeWeaver in accordance to domain-relevant safety standards like
  • DO-178C / DO-330,
  • ISO-26262,
  • IEC-61508,
  • EN-50128 / EN-50657,
  • Regulations for medical devices (EN-60601-1, . . . )
and more.


Tool functional requirements (TOR)

This part defines the tool functions and technical features which are stated as requirements to the tool behavior under normal operating conditions, and specifies the operational context and conditions in which the tool computes valid results, i.e. restrictions such as not supported hardware options or specific code constructs. 

Test cases and procedures (TOVVCP)

The test cases demonstrate the correct functioning of all specified functional requirements. Test case definitions include the overall test setup and a detailed structural and functional description of each test case, i.e. how it works and what the expected result is.

Trace data (traceability matrix)

Each functional requirement and each test case is assigned a unique identifier, enabling a mapping to be realized over the so-called traceability matrix.

Test suite and execution framework

The test suite contains implementations of the test cases specified in the TOVVCP that are designed to show that the requirements described in the TOR are satisfied. Each test case consists of one or several tool test runs and optionally, evaluation test runs. The output of test case execution constitutes the tool verification results. If all test cases pass, compliance with the TOR has been demonstrated.

Tool lifecycle data (QSLCD)

In addition to demonstrating that the tool operates correctly in the operation context of its user, safety standards often require evidence that the tool development process fulfills certain demands, e.g. with respect to quality assurance, traceability, requirement engineering and verification activities.

These topics are covered by documents which detail the tool development processes at AbsInt:


  • Software Development Plan
  • Software Configuration Management Plan
  • Software Quality Assurance Plan
  • Software Quality Assurance Records
  • Software Verification Plan
  • Software Verification Results
  • Compliance Certificate